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About Us

Our Story

Founded in 1919, the Hiking Club at CU has built an adventurous community of students who wish to explore the wilderness around Boulder and across the United States. From casual hikers to advanced backpackers, the club strives to create a forum for people to meet and explore together. We lead both day-hikes and overnight trips every weekend throughout the school year during fall, winter, and spring! The club is run by a passionate group of Officers who care deeply about their members' physical and emotional wellbeing, while also working to carry on over 100 years of tradition.


Our amazing officers are here to help you get outdoors! The club is run by three Executive Officers and several Junior Officers who handle administrative tasks, club organization, and outreach. Officers organize the weekly trips, including logistics, transportation, gear, and food, while making sure that everyone on the trip has a great time! All of our officers have some level of medical training, whether that's WFR, WFA, WEMT, or basic first aid. We work together to make sure your trip is fun, safe and memorable!

Meet the Officers


Just a dude who loves his dog.

Jacob Dyck

Executive Officer

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A short, scraggly, freckle-faced redhead who compensates with a valiant V8 steed. Also known as a champion bear rider and the fastest easter bunny to ever complete the Skyline Traverse. The mountains have repeatedly filed restraining orders against her, but you can't stop true love. A trip with this weirdo includes a tape deck music adapter, hiking too fast for too long, and almost running into her when she stops to pick up rocks.

Kasey Madsen

Executive Officer


Ricky is a mechanical engineering student originally from Corvallis, Oregon. Aside from hiking, he loves to mountain bike, trail run, and ski. He is concerningly bad at not getting lost, but at least half of the hikers that go on trips with him usually make it back.

Ricky Wood

Executive Officer


Isaac is originally from Florida. He had no idea where to start with hiking when he first arrived, but the Hiking Club was a great resource for him to get to know Colorado. He is now a proud officer and loves helping others explore. Isaac is a Geology major at CU, so if you see his name on an upcoming hike, be ready to learn about some rocks!!

Isaac Leb



Claire is from the boondocks of Georgia where she learned her love for the outdoors. She is majoring in environmental studies with a public health certificate. Aside from hiking, she loves working out, reading, skiing, road trips, and riding horses! Join her on a hike for some fun!

Claire Howard


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Sidney says she’s from Philly, when in reality she’s from a suburb outside the city. Aside from hiking, she likes running, skiing, reading, consuming loads of caffeine, and watching scary movies. She’s studying Media Production with an emphasis on Film and Journalism (which really means she has no idea what she’s doing and just wants to make crazy cool documentaries). She struggles to pick up on sarcasm or form any acceptable dance moves.

Sidney Yarnall


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Raised in Silverthorne, Colorado, Audrey is an easily distracted nature nerd studying Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. When not hiking, she can be seen frantically searching for evidence of wildlife, birdwatching, fly fishing, camping, and practicing rookie photography.

Audrey Anderson

Officer & Social Media


A simple monkey-brained Marine who’d give anything to be a 19th-century outlaw cowboy riding a dun-colored mustang stallion through the old west. He will carry gummy bears on every hike, and champions the idea of “it could be worse”. One day he’ll rejoin the Marine Corps as a commissioned officer and participate in extreme camping and hiking on some remote Pacific islands. For now, he’s enjoying the Boulder views, easy-breezy life of a History major, and hiking until his knees give out.

Steven Krokodilos

Officer & Discord Manager

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Dawson is from Philly, the land of cheesesteaks and hoagies. He is currently a junior at CU where he studies astrophysics. Outside of the classroom, he enjoys hiking, rock climbing, and going to foosball tournaments in Denver. His favorite trip with the club is backpacking 4 Pass Loop.

Dawson Stremme



Andrew is from this magical place called Maryland. It is a rare occasion to see him wearing clothing without the Maryland flag on it. He is studying Mechanical Engineering (which means he has no idea what to do with his life but he's decent at math). Outside of hiking, Andrew enjoys skiing, going to concerts, eating food, and running (gross). Ask him about running the 4-Pass Loop in one day (yay for altitude sickness). 

Andrew Victory



Hanna is studying marketing and helps run our Instagram! Originally from the cheese state of Wisconsin, she escaped the cold Midwest winters for the Colorado sunshine. Besides hiking, she loves skiing, running, and reading. Her favorite mountain town is Steamboat Springs. Come on a hike with her and you'll get to hear about her bear encounter!

Hanna O'Brien

Officer & Social Media


Ariana Rewolinski

Officer & Web Designer

Ariana is a sophomore EBIO major who obviously has a major dislike of hiking. She is originally from Wisconsin, but had to move because she's lactose-intolerant. She also likes climbing, camping, cryptobiotic crust, skiing, music, and her plants. 


Isabella Sarralde


Isa is from San Diego, California, home of the California burrito! She is a junior in Chemical Engineering (ew), but when she's not drowning in homework she loves concerts, hanging out with friends, and basically anything outdoors. She believes in snowboarding superiority and that dogs are the best animal. She's got some great stories, so come hike with her!


Maia Parkin


Maia is a sophomore studying Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies. She grew up literally 5 minutes from campus. She loves sleeping in the wilderness (especially backpacking), spicy chai, traveling, music, swimming in alpine lakes, and foraging for edible plants and pretty rocks on hikes. 


Tyler would prefer sleeping on the ground than in his bed. An amateur forager and mycology enthusiast, you can expect to snack on a berry or hear about how that mushroom tastes exactly like chicken when on a hike with him.

Tyler Hamilton

Prospective Officer & Gear Monkey


Sophie Goldman

Prospective Officer

Sophie is a sophomore Civil Engineering major whose only dream in life is to kick rocks in new places. She is from Atlanta but is definitely not afraid to challenge some tall mountains. She loves iced coffee and super weird sour candy and is stoked to do some awesome hikes with you!!!


Amelia Parcell

Prospective Officer

Amelia is a junior studying Psychology and Anthropology. She has a proclivity for camping, running, reading, drawing, and sitting in coffee shops (pretending to be) studying. She is originally from the midwest, but she moved to Boulder in high school and stumbled into the hiking club through her love of all things crunchy.


Caroline Schneithorst

Prospective Officer

Caroline is a junior studying Ecology & Evolutionary Biology with a minor in Business, from good ole St. Louis, Missouri. Being from the land of corn, hills, trees, and nothing much else, she has learned how to throw herself into these treacherous mountains of Colorado. If you are on a hike with her, expect to be bouncing and leaping down the trails, as it is the only fun way down (if you don't fall on a hike you are weird).


Rocko is the official Hiking Club lizard. She loves the outdoors, but only when it’s hot. If you see her name on a hike, expect a toasty day. She doesn't actually enjoy hiking, but she loves sitting on her dad's back while he hikes. Her dad is Officer Isaac, who named her after his favorite thing - Rocks.


Honorary Officer


He likes sticks.


Honorary Officer

Officer Alumni

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Originally from McLean, VA, Sam came to Boulder for Environmental Engineering at CU - but really she moved out here for the mountains. Sam fell in love with hiking, skiing, climbing, and basically anything outdoors. These activities led her to the CU Hiking Club. Join Sam on a hike (when she’s not injured) and you’ll hear her wow over absolutely every view and wildflower, as well as always finding a dog to pet.

Sam Prestige

Executive Officer & Social Media

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A Boulder native, Greta became a dedicated hiker by the time she could walk. She was unable to find any place cooler than Boulder for college, so she stayed to study chemical engineering. Go hiking with Greta and you'll hear all the local secrets and definitely not get lost in the woods while trying to find an exciting new trail. You may also find Greta skiing, making hummus, or looking at cows.

Greta Koenig

Executive Officer


Tristan was born in Santa Barbara, CA, but spent most of his life in the Eastern Sierra. In addition to hiking, Tristan loves knuckle-dragging the gnar and crushing V8 boulders like veggie juice. As the club's official Hiker Mom, you can expect Tristan to bring dog treats, dad jokes, and excessive enthusiasm on every hike. Just be prepared to hear him talk endlessly about working at REI and his delicious homemade nut butters. Can you guess his age?

Tristan Blommer

Officer & Web Designer


Maya is a senior Biochemistry and Public Health major who thought she was a fast hiker until she joined the hiking club. She’s still pretty quick, but the plant, fungi, and other assorted wildlife viewing keeps her a little busy. She drinks two lattes every morning (yes, even while backpacking), role plays as a bean scientist, and can do at least 6 pull-ups (wow).

Maya Nelson

Officer & First Aid Advisor

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You can find Maeve in the Kombucha aisle of Whole Foods or on the trails around Boulder. She’s from Minnesota, but came to Colorado to live out her inner crunchy granola girl lifestyle! When not hiking, drawing, climbing, or embarrassing herself in public, Maeve can be found studying Geography (the earth rocks!!). Come hike with Maeve for a good time!!

Maeve Banavige


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The greatest bear boxer this side of the pacific (yes, he is better than Anthony [but only on alternating Tuesdays]). On his day’s off from bear boxing, he will sometimes hike, but he only hikes to lakes. It's just a weird thing he does. Don't ask us. He also pretends to be Irish, like all the time.

Liam Duncan

Officer & Irish Culture Consultant

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